Apple announced its latest iPhones and Apple Watches at its Wonderlust event on September 12th. Apple threw back the curtains on the new iPhone 15 lineup, Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2. These devices all provide incremental improvements that make them attractive to people planning to purchase a new iPhone or Apple Watch, though… Continue reading Apple Announces iPhone 15 Lineup, Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2
Tag: David Linton
Protect Your Tech Gear from Power Fluctuations
It has been a tough year for extreme weather events. While the connection between weather and technology may seem tenuous, heat waves, high winds and lightning strikes can play havoc with all sorts of powered and networked electronic devices. Why Protect Your Tech Anything that causes power fluctuations—spikes, surges, sags, brownouts and blackouts—can hurt your tech gear. Protecting… Continue reading Protect Your Tech Gear from Power Fluctuations
Make Your Mac Work for You!
Consider Moving Your Mac’s Dock to the Side of the Screen For most of us, our Mac’s screen is wider than it is tall, so longer Web pages and documents often benefit from more room from top to bottom. To maximize the amount of usable vertical space and reduce the need to scroll as much,… Continue reading Make Your Mac Work for You!
Worried That You’re Being Targeted Online? Try Lockdown Mode
Most people fall into one of two extremes when it comes to device security. Many believe they’re not interesting enough to be targeted by online attackers and don’t take sensible precautions, like making sure every website account is protected with a strong, unique password. The truth is, most attacks these days come from bots, so whether… Continue reading Worried That You’re Being Targeted Online? Try Lockdown Mode
Beware of the Latest Phishing Email Trick: QR Code Scams
Cybercriminals have devised a new tactic that involves using images and no text to deceive recipients into scanning QR codes, leading to compromised accounts and stolen credentials. We’ve written before about how to recognize dangerous phishing attempt via email, and even how avoid being a victim of phone/voice-based scams. However, we want to be sure you know… Continue reading Beware of the Latest Phishing Email Trick: QR Code Scams
Which Should You Use — a Mac, iPhone or iPad or Web App?
Apps are everywhere these days, but it can be hard to remember that many exist in multiple versions. You can often run the same app on a Mac, an iPhone or iPad and in a Web browser. There are benefits for each of them. Mac Apps Generally speaking, Mac apps: Have better-designed, more obvious interfaces that… Continue reading Which Should You Use — a Mac, iPhone or iPad or Web App?
Save Your Sanity – and Your Photos
How to Mask Nearby Noise Do you have trouble concentrating at work because of a loud office environment? Or do you work at home and want to block out the sounds of kids or appliances? In macOS 13 Ventura, Apple added background sounds you can play to mask what’s going on around you. Go to:… Continue reading Save Your Sanity – and Your Photos
Apple Releases New Macs, Previews New OS Features and Unveils Vision Pro
Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference keynote (full video or 2-minute recap) is primarily an opportunity for Apple to give developers a first look at new features coming in its operating systems, and this year was no exception. The news getting the most buzz is the introduction of the mixed-reality Vision Pro headset, due next year. However, there were… Continue reading Apple Releases New Macs, Previews New OS Features and Unveils Vision Pro
Voice Isolation Improves Calls and Avoid Phone Scams
iOS 16.4 Adds Voice Isolation Feature to Improve Cellular Calls Do you find yourself on calls or FaceTime conversations while you are stuck in a noisy area? You’ll want to know about a setting that will help the other person hear you better. In iOS 15, Apple added the Voice Isolation feature to FaceTime calls to filter… Continue reading Voice Isolation Improves Calls and Avoid Phone Scams
How to Back Up iPhone Photos on Your Mac
If your iPhone were to be stolen or suffer an unfortunate accident, would you lose all your precious photos? Those using iCloud Photos are probably shaking their heads smugly, thinking that all those baby and vacation photos are backed up securely in iCloud. iCloud Photos does store a copy of all your photos, but you… Continue reading How to Back Up iPhone Photos on Your Mac