How to Plan for IT Needs at Your New Office

How to Plan for IT Needs at Your New Office

Opening an office is an exciting opportunity for a company. While aesthetics and moving logistics may be top-of-mind for some people, at arobasegroup, we know how important it is to plan, identify, and deploy the best IT to support your business and team.

Not surprisingly, there are many important decisions to make – some of which should be considered and decided prior to even signing a lease! For example, who will be the internet service provider (ISP)? You’ll want to evaluate the options in your location and select a provider capable of providing your company the bandwidth it needs in the most cost-effective manner. Be sure to confirm with building management what providers are available. The more options, the better. Some buildings have exclusive contracts with a single ISP and this limits choices.
Other important decisions regarding the office’s buildout and infrastructure rely on the right choices about the very basics: network cable quality, number of cable drops and the amount of power required for each and every device.
Once the groundwork is in place, designing the network to your organization’s requirements is crucial to success.

  • Is a static IP needed?

  • Will the network be wired and wireless?

  • What about secure guest WiFi access?

  • Will you need separate data and voice infrastructure?

  • Separate or combined LANs?

  • What are the specifications for the gear you and your team will require, and is there designated space with proper ventilation to handle your network equipment?

You don’t want to make the wrong choices here because, as with most things in life, correcting it later costs more than building it right the first time. arobasegroup has been designing and deploying office networks for over 20 years. We know how to do this!
What about your phone needs?

  • What provider is best suited to your needs – an existing provider or a new one?

  • Will your phone system be on-premises or hosted in the Cloud?

  • What are your onsite needs, and how do those integrate with remote needs?

If your head is spinning with all of the details, don’t worry! arobasegroup expertly advises companies on how to best leverage Apple products and all other technology related to the information infrastructure. We listen to our clients and provide specifically tailored solutions consisting of hardware, software, networking, infrastructure, security tools, collaboration platforms, disaster recovery and backup services as required for any size business and budget.

We will learn about your company’s unique, specific necessities and customize a solution that will be reliable and cost-effective.

In fact, Marilou King, of SK Law Group, a satisfied customer, recently described the experience of opening a new office in partnership with our team:

“…When we moved in, I just plugged in my iMac and away I went. It just worked. My phone just worked.
I could just work.”

Marilou was amazed that everything worked out so well, and you can be, too! Let us do the heavy lifting. If you are planning a new office build-out and want to be sure you don’t have any unexpected surprises when it comes to setting up your network infrastructure, give arobasegroup a call. We’ll be happy to provide an initial consultation to ensure your office network meets your business needs for both speed and security.

Please share this information if you know someone who could benefit from our customized services. We are ready to assist in selecting the best tools for you and your team. We can deploy these tools and train your staff in no time.

Please contact us if you have questions: or 404.229.3118.

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