Who We Are
/aʀobaz ɡro͞op/
proper noun: a premier Apple-centric information technology consulting company.
With 25 years of experience, we are proud to be one of the Apple Consultants Network’s highest-certified members.
Because we believe in supporting people rather than devices, we consult with sole proprietors and Fortune 100 companies, and everything in-between. From end-user support to device management to network administration, we cornerstone an IT infrastructure that addresses each area of the business.

A premier Apple-centric information technology consulting company
With a focus on how humans use technology
What We Do
arobasegroup consults and supports clients with any IT-related needs.
For some clients we provide managed services while for others, we are their IT department. We pride ourselves in taking on the role our clients require, be it ongoing IT support or consulting on a specific project.
Network Design & Administration
Cybersecurity Posture & Awareness
Internet & VOIP Services
MacOS & IOS Deployment And Management
Cloud Hosted Services
Employee Technology Training
Who We Serve
We believe people use technology, not the other way around.
Because we approach technology at the benefit of the user, our services scale from Fortune 100 companies spanning the globe to individuals working from home.
Whether you have questions about your company’s security posture, how to help your employees work more efficiently, or you have the nagging feeling your Wi-Fi could be better, we can help.
Sole Proprietor
Small Businesses
Companies Using Apple Technology
Trusted to solutionize!
With years of experiences, Apple even turns to us to get the job done. If you can dream it we can build it!
Client Reviews
We love our clients. Our very first client still loves us today, 25 years later. We take care of our clients, we listen and provide insight and results.

If you have an Apple computer and live on planet Earth - Call arobasegroup. End of discussion.

Creative problem solving and I highly recommend them.

You guys are worth every penny and more.

They are absolutely the best!
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