How to Invest in Your Life

Did you know arobasegroup has been around since 1998 and still works with our very first customer, Georgia Power? We have watched Apple’s influence grow and expand in the last 20+ years, and we’ve expanded along with them. In fact, David Linton, founder of arobasegroup, is the highest certified Apple consultant in the Atlanta area.

In an interview recently released by Patrick King of Transformative Financial for Patrick’s podcast, Invest in Your Life, David talks about the risks of starting a business, discusses how he navigated arobasegroup’s growth and describes how important it is for him to be an advocate for his clients. The interview also gets into some little-known specifics about David’s background and details his thoughts about how to build a company by treating people well. Listen in to learn the direction David sees technology going in the future as well as:

  • Who is the love of David’s life — and her role in creating arobasegroup.

  • The meaning of “benevolent dictatorship” – not “friendly dictatorship.”

  • How to build the life you want!

Not so fun fact: David was in a minor car accident right before they recorded this episode. Don’t worry – he is fine, but it might help explain the heightened amount of “Daveness” on display. 

Listen in! We hope you enjoy!


arobasegroup has been consulting with clients and advising the best use of Apple Technology since 1998. We listen to our customers and solve problems by addressing their specific, unique needs; we never rely on a one-size-fits-all solution or require them to use a specific product. arobasegroup is your advocate in all things related to information technology. Contact us to learn how we can help:

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